So the list of Q107 top 50 it's a good thing I talk out my emotions before I explode all over the net..well I'm going to spread my verbal diarrhea anyways BUT the key thing is that I did take the advice momma gave me WAY back and I took a moment to think about what I had to say..
yes kids - you do start to appreciate what you're parents drilled into your head when you were in your "I know everything phase and you still wear spandex so what do u know" phase... whoops .. spandex .. American Apparel...neon...OH MY GOD - my parents WERE cool... and there goes my fragile psyche crumbling to the ground.

thanks a lot you Pat Benatar Olivia Newton John workout clothes ARE NOT meant for the street American Apparel obsessed I think I have my own style even though I look like everyone else assholes.
YOU just made my parents COOL. oh and FYI - contrary to popular belief spandex is NOT for everyone and one cannot be trendy if it doesn't look good on you. Remember kids - trendy isn't just what you wear - it's how you wear it. There is room for faux pas but for godssake if it don't look don't look good.
now where the fuck was I [ btw - I forgot to think about all that before I wrote it down..c'est la vie]
right - Q107's top 50 vocalists...just to reiterate:
*say what you will but this is MY preference based on nothing and everything. I'm not a critic. I'm not a musician. i don't profess to know the inner workings of a great voice or personality. I may be influenced by variables such as attraction, , style, genre, hormones, etc - I might even be slightly more drawn to those on the list that I would fuck. BUT I do love music. It's the soundtrack to my coffee in the morning, my walk through the streets of downtown, to the book I read in the corner cafe and my dreams at night [when I'm sober enough to have them] so take from it what you want. It's not really there for you to care for anyways*
So here's my list - and yes I know Q107 is for classic rock blah blah I've morphed it a bit..whatever..this is it...Prepare critics. It's not in a particular order as that would change based on my mood. Let's be honest's not even final - it's always say "I've narrowed down the Top anything is RIDICULOUS..but whatever - I've given it a try.
NOTE: This list will probably change in my head a million times.
Elton John
Freddie Mercury
Shannon Hoon
Jim Morrison
David Bowie
Johnny Cash
Etta James
Ray Charles
Ray Davies
Amanda Palmer
Nick Cave
The Beatles
Roger Daltry
Don Henley
Mick Jagger
Van Morrison
Janis Joplin
Bon Scott
Steven Tyler
Paul Rodgers
Eric Clapton
Rod Stewart
Bruce Springsteen
Pete Townsend
Stevie Nicks
Peter Gabriel
Phil Collins
Roger Waters
John Fogerty
Neil Young
Bob Dylan
Steve Winwood
Jon Bon Jovi
Roger Hodgson
Alice Cooper
Ozzy Osbourne
Eric Burdon
Axl Rose
Lane Staley
Scott Weiland
Annie Lennox
Aretha Franklin
Billy Holiday
Elvis Presley
Damon Albarn
Ian Curtis
oh no no no...
you've got the order ALL fucked up.
how the fuck can Elvis be 4th from last on a list like that!?
i mean SERIOUSLY. are you back on the crack?
noooooooooo...if you READ the post you'll see that I said the singers are NOT in order...
fuck liam..
Are YOU back on the crack...
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