"Won't you come on over to my side of the sofa...they tried to take your soul but didn't realize you keep it in a different hole..."
Above: a classic example of the depth to these lads lyrics wrapped in typical britpop with a funk /Specials vibe to top it off.
Well I can definitely say that out of all the girls screaming for their boyish good looks, UK wit and skin tight jeans there were four that made a definite impression. It might have been their discussion in the bathroom about "I can't believe ALL these people know about them!!" [FYI - ladies they sold out the fuckin Koolhaus last year...I can't believe YOU DIDN'T know them THEN]
It could have been their obnoxious screaming and slutty gyrating
the bouncing on each other's shoulders directly in front of the band screaming and pointing at their breasts. Okay, so they might have had something like I [heart] The Kooks or whatever printed on their Ts but regardless.. they were pointing at THEIR BOOBS. COME ON. If you want to fuck them go to the door of the dressing room. It's just up the stairs. blow the bouncer if you have to. It's the Mod Club not the fuckin Ritz.
Beyond the decidedly frat house feel to the room, the confusion at the door and an opening band who's lead guy was - I SWEAR - Brandon Flowers' doppleganger.....sorry boys, guess you'll never tour with The Killers [I'll be fair and say they were good...great stage presence, solid tunes, blah blah...but when you channel Flowers persona and Weiland's twitches you don't necessarily come up with a good thing.] the show well worth the subzero walk and wipe out it took to get there.
Moving On.
The Kooks: saying that they rocked=redundant. Saying the show was perfect=redundant. saying they have style=redundant. The Kooks are the culmination of everything great and inspired that comes out of the UK. They are the hook, the voice, the moves, the hair, the clothes, the slang, the accent, the charm, the indifference, the riff, the jingle and the catch phrase They are the personification what England does best.
They make you dance and sing [and not just the ladies] and they are musical darlings. A favourite part of the night for me was when the acoustic set finished and some dude in the crowd shouts:
[dude] "Play Ohh La"
[Kooks dude] "We already played that man - were you not listenin'?" insert British accent and laughter.
[crowd] hysterics.
and THIS is why The Kooks are brilliant. If this is what you can expect from a random strut down the street and an impromptu visit to a local school - just IMAGINE what you can get on stage with a full band and 10x the fans.