
i talk out loud like you're still around...

Today I am coughs, chips, chocolate and vicks. Yep - I've decided that b/c I'm so sick I can't taste anything that I get to eat WHATEVER I want.

and can I say - SCORE..on the Miss Vickie's Old Cheddar and Red Onion and kudos to Dutch Crunch for wicked burning sea salt and malt vinegar.

Am I the only one that needs a soundtrack too the daily in and outs of life? for instance - I went to write today and went through three different artists before I settled on someone I could write too. It was almost like everything else was too happy or fast or distracting. anyways - I settled on Counting Crows - August & Everything After.

Can I just say WOAH right now. for those who know me...know my story...you'll know that before he even SINGS this song has already linked to a relevance in my life...and I was in love with this song BEFORE i made that move..that leap into independance.

Once again people - it is proven that music is relevance...it's life..life is music, sounds, tones, melodies, chords, tunes, being out of tune..it just is. meh. whatevs.

so the first video is from Peter Morn [Peter, Bjorn and John] and represents what I missed last night cause I was holed up with a wicked massive cold that has only progressively gotten worse as my day has worn on and on and on and on and on.

my meds kicked in. I'm done for now.