So the one year binge I was on has come to a SCREECHING halt...
see the tempered....albeit not very accurate photo depiction on one TENTH of what we [as in me and my friends] spent the last ummmm one or two YEARS doing.. ughh...[also the reason I'm now on gluten free blah blah blah blah and almond milk or some shit..

and of course the famous shot of me enjoying my birthday champagne ALL to myself...
so for
these many reasons i have taken a leave of absence from the many bars, pubs, and restos I would frequent where one glass turned into many and the rep for being a party animal was created..trust me folks this has NOT served me well at work..no matter that when i'm sick I'm REALLY SICK.. but if you peeps what the bubonic then I'll come..and I'll leave all my many snot rags lying around..my desk will turn into a pharmacy ...and you'll eventually succumb to whatever virus, bacteria, mutant strain of infection I have and then we'll ALL be sorry ass miserable fucks together.